Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Ahamad, S.

Bechtel Corp., Houston, Texas

Sultan Ahamad is a Senior Fired Heater Specialist at Bechtel Corp. in Houston, Texas. He has more than 20 yr of experience in the design, engineering and troubleshooting of fired heaters and combustion systems for the refining, petrochemical and LNG industries. He graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology in Roorkee, India with a degree in chemical engineering. He is a member of the API subcommittee on heat transfer equipment and contributes to the development of API standards and recommended practices. He is also a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Mr. Ahamad has published and presented several papers on fired heaters and related subjects.

Optimize transient plant operations with castable-free fired heater

Bechtel Corp.: Ahamad, S.  |  Thakur, M.  |  Vallavanatt, R.

Fired heaters are designed with castable refractory in various sections of the heater.

Transient analysis of fired heater coils to estimate safety time

Bechtel Corp.: Ahamad, S.  |  Thakur, M.  |  Izadi, M.  |  Vallavanatt, R.

During the operation of process fired heaters, the potential exists for sudden interruption of process flow.

Revamp fired heaters with a common air-preheating system to increase capacity

Bechtel Corp.: Ahamad, S.  |  Vallavanatt, R.

In any process plant, fired heaters are generally considered to be one of the most optimally designed pieces of equipment.

Successfully design fired heaters using ultra-low-NOx burners

Bechtel Corp.: Ahamad, S.  |  Vallavanatt, R.

Recent environmental regulations mandate that refinery and petrochemical industries reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. Emissions legislations are constantly under review, and they differ from coun..

Identify and control excess air from process heaters

Bechtel Corp.: Ahamad, S.  |  Vallavanatt, R.

Process heaters are the largest consumers of energy in most plants. A refinery, on average, burns approximately 2 billion Btu/hr of fuel in fired heaters. The total quantity of fuel burned (heat relea..

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