Improve refining of tight oil via enhanced fluid catalytic cracking catalysts
Crude oils from tight formations are relatively light, low in concarbon, and contain different contaminants. They have high naphtha and distillate yields, lower vacuum gasoil (VGO) content and almost ..
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The Authors
Shackleford, A. - BASF, Detroit, Michigan
Alexis Shackleford is an Executive Account Manager for BASF. She provides technical and commercial support for FCCUs. She joined BASF’s refining catalyst division in 2009 and has held a variety of roles, including Technology Specialist, Marketing Specialist and Technical Service Engineer. She has authored many oil and gas publications. Prior to BASF, Ms. Shackleford worked at Shell Oil Co.’s Deer Park refinery. She earned a BS degree in chemical engineering from Michigan State University, with a minor in biomedical engineering.
Pan, S. - BASF, Ilselin, New Jersey
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