Spiral heat exchanger technology
Heat exchangers are some of the most critical equipment in the oil and gas industry, as they provide the required temperature of fluid to sustain the plant’s operation.
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The Authors
Alhazemi, A. B. - Saudi Aramco, Madrid, Spain
Abdullah Alhazemi is a Project Engineer at Saudi Aramco with a BS degree in applied mechanical engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. He began his career as a Maintenance Engineer and now works at the Marjan project. Mr. Alhazemi holds PMP and SMRP certificates.
Alharbi, B. - Saudi Aramco, Madrid, Spain
Shuja Alharbi works at Saudi Aramco and is a certified PMP with more than 13 yr of experience with turbomachinery and static equipment in the oil and gas industry. He earned a BSc degree in mechanical engineering.
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