Maintenance: Zero-based, custom-built, reliability-driven—A new kind of maintenance organization
In the October 2018 issue of Hydrocarbon Processing, the authors published an article—“Improving plant performance by changing a maintenance culture”—describing the first two years of Eastman Chemical Co.’s Longview, Texas site’s journey to maintenance excellence, which began in 2016.
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The Authors
Reed, D. - Eastman Chemical Company, Longview, Texas
David Reed is the Director of plant maintenance for Eastman Chemical’s Longview, Texas operations. Eastman is a global specialty chemical company with approximately 14,000 employees and 50 manufacturing sites around the world.
Thompson, M. - Consultant, Houston, Texas
Martin Thompson is a senior change leadership coach and implementation consultant with more than 30 yr of experience. Prior to beginning his more than 30-yr consulting career, he spent 5 yr doing human resource development with The Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta, Georgia.
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