Troubleshoot flooding problems in a crude distillation column
Crude oil is separated into more valuable products, such as naphtha, kerosene, light diesel, heavy diesel and atmospheric residue, in crude distillation units (CDUs).
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The Authors
Öztürk, G. - Tüpraş, İzmit, Turkey
Gözde Öztürk is a Process Engineer at Tüpraş’ İzmit refinery, responsible for the crude and vacuum distillation units. She previously worked as an Operations Engineer. Ms. Öztürk holds a BSc degree in chemical engineering from Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey and an MSc degree from Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey.
Kibar, S. - Tüpraş, İzmit, Turkey
Seren Kibar is an Operations Engineer at Tüpraş’ İzmit refinery, responsible for crude and vacuum distillation, kerosene treatment, selective hydrogenation and other units. She holds BSc and MSc degrees in chemical engineering from Middle East Technical University.
Akyildiz, G. - Tüpraş, İzmit, Turkey
Gizem Akyildiz is an Operations Engineer at Tüpraş’ İzmit refinery, responsible for crude and vacuum distillation, kerosene treatment, selective hydrogenation and other units. She holds a BSc degree in chemical engineering from Istanbul Technical University in Turkey.
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