Case studies: Evaluation of the soundness and remaining life of PSA vessels with weld defects
Multiple defects were found in pressure swing adsorption (PSA) vessels during an outage of one of four PSA process units.
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The Authors
Lee, S. - SK Energy, Ulsan, South Korea
Sang-Mo Lee has more than 26 yr of experience as a Fixed-Equipment Engineer at SK Energy. His main tasks include root cause analysis (RCA), troubleshooting, fitness-for-service (FFS) evaluation, maintenance procedures and technical support for the refining and petrochemical business. He earned a BS degree in mechanical engineering, and is qualified as a professional engineer for welding and metallurgy by the South Korean government.
Kwon, O. - Quest Integrity, Wellington, New Zealand
Ohgeon Kwon is a Principal Consultant and Structural Integrity Team Lead at Quest Integrity. Dr. Kwon has more than 25 yr of experience and expertise in high-temperature creep, FFS and remaining life assessments for various components in the petrochemical, refining and power generation industries. He earned his PhD at Imperial College, London.
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