Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


U.S. economy to benefit from federal SAF incentives at Gevo’s planned Net-Zero 1 facility

Gevo Inc. has released a new report by Charles River Associates (CRA) demonstrating the benefits of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production, including at Gevo’s planned Net-Zero 1 (NZ1) alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) SAF facility in South Dakota (U.S.).

Cepsa begins construction of the first chemical plant in Spain to produce the base for hydroalcoholic gels

Cepsa has begun construction on a new €75-MM, 80,000-tpy isopropyl alcohol plant in Spain.

Plastic pyrolysis oils as feedstock for steam crackers: Opportunities and challenges—Part 2

Linde Engineering: Delhomme-Neudecker, C.  |  Schödel, N.  |  Tóta, Á.  |  Schmidt, G.

Plastic waste is a worldwide challenge. To reduce its carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>) footprint, the plastics industry is striving to increase circularity by using plastic pyrolysis oils (pyoils) from waste plastics as steam cracker feedstock.

Plastic pyrolysis oils as feedstock for steam crackers: Opportunities and challenges—Part 1

Linde Engineering: Delhomme-Neudecker, C.  |  Schödel, N.  |  Tóta, Á.  |  Schmidt, G.

Plastic waste is a global challenge. Today, only a minimal amount of plastic waste is recycled, mostly mechanically.

Digital Exclusive: Bio-based aromatics give pathway to drop-in 100% SAF

Johnson Matthey: I. Gilmore
Virent: D. Kettner

In this digital exclusive, Iain Gilmore and David Kettner discuss a breakthrough process that provides the missing link to using 100% SAF in current aviation fleets and infrastructure: Bio-based aromatics.

ASTM decision brings 100% SAF certification within reach

Swedish Biofuels AB announced that the ASTM International Committee has accepted the use of C2 to C5 alcohols as feedstock for the alcohol-to-jet pathway as well as a new specification for fully formulated aviation fuel with aromatics.

Cyclic distillation: A novel enhanced technology for processing hydrocarbons and derivatives

University of Manchester: Kiss, A. A.
Maleta Cyclic Distillation LLC: Maleta, V. N.
National University of Food Technologies: Shevchenko, A.  |  Bedryk, O.

Distillation is the most widespread separation method in history.

Driving higher return with fuel-grade butanol at the refinery

Dow: Giles, J.

Since the advent of the combustion engine, gasoline and automobile manufacturers have utilized additives as a means of improving overall fuel characteristics.

Editorial Comment: The impact and response of an industry during trying times

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

On behalf of <i>Hydrocarbon Processing</i>, we hope that you and your families and colleagues are healthy and safe during these unprecedented times.

From olefins to oxygenates: Fuel additives, solvents and more

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG: Streich, T.  |  Kömpel, H.  |  Geng, J.  |  Renger, M.

Oxygenates are hydrocarbons containing oxygen atoms as part of their molecular structure.