Weirauch, Wendy
HP Impact: HPImpact: LNG outlook: spare global capacity and weak demand
LNG players are living in a time of falling gas demand, plunging prices and a world awash with LNG. In 2008, global LNG trade reached 171.1 million metric tons (MMton), which represented a 0.4% (or 0...
HP Impact: HPImpact: Prepare for the upturn: be lean, prioritize, focus on strategic intent
The need in a downturn is an actionable plan with strong leadership and a commitment to carry it out. So said Paul Newman, global manager for service and implementation with Shell Global Solutions. Sp..
HP In Brief: HPIn Brief
Demand swings vex refiners The refining industry is grappling with shifting scenarios for tomorrow's energy landscape. One scenario has the US beco..
HP Impact: HPImpact: Mergers, acquisitions in global oil and gas markets slump
Deal activity in the energy sector offered a schizophrenic character in 2008. The first half of the year started with a fairly robust number of transactions, until commodity prices began a steep decli..
HP Impact: HPImpact: Valve industry: reason for optimism, despite projected downturn
As with many industries, the US and Canadian industrial valve industry saw the steady climb in sales and profits of the last decade turn around in the past year to experience a decline. However, the d..
HP Impact: HPImpact: Common sense needed to forge energy policy, says former Shell CEO
The viewpoint on energy policy is an inverted "bell" shaped curve, according to John Hoffmeister, CEO of the Citizens for Affordable Energy at a recent Energy Hot Topics seminar in Houston, Texas (www..
HP Impact: HPImpact: Efficiency goals could radically reshape EU's energy landscape—CERA
Utility companies across the EU registered all-time peak electric and gas usage during the winter of 2008-2009. Action on the EU goal of reducing energy usage 20% by 2020 through energy efficiency cou..
HP In Brief: HPIn Brief
US refiners ending maintenance season By April, refiners in the US are typically coming out of maintenance and ramping up production of gasoline fo..
HP Impact: HPImpact: China: New domestic capacity to shrink some petrochem imports
After 17 years of continuous strong growth, China has become the world's third largest economic power and the country's economy has been more integrated into the global economy than ever in its histor..
HP Impact: HPImpact: US refiners' utilization down 5%; East Coast plants 'most vulnerable'
US refineries, particularly those in the East Coast and Gulf Coast regions, are most vulnerable to utilization cuts and will have to reduce throughputs further as a result of the economic downturn, ac..

- Yara Clean Ammonia, NYK sign time-charter agreement for ammonia-fueled medium gas carrier 2/10
- Nigeria's Dangote refinery to operate at full capacity in 30 days 2/10
- Lyondell completes shutdown of Houston refinery 2/10
- BASF introduces first superabsorbent polymer with product carbon footprint of zero 2/7
- Russia may ban gasoline exports for a month to stabilize prices 2/7
- South Korean petrochemical firms' profits fall in 2024 as oversupply persists 2/7