September 2013
Special Report: Refining Developments
Process models and simulation methods can be used to simulate the fluidized-bed catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) process.a,b Likewise, kinetic or multivariate statistical models have been used. Rigorous..
Detailed feed analysis and cracking studies aid refiners in understanding how best to optimize operations and maximize FCC value when processing shale oils.
When processing discounted crude oils, one of the primary challenges refiners face is under-salt corrosion in crude unit distillation overhead systems.
In a refinery crude distillation column, up to 40% of the total heat removal may be found in the tower overhead condenser. The quantity of duty available makes heat integration (HI) between the column..
To optimize processing and reduce design and operating costs, refiners should consider using accurate simulation models that are specifically tailored for heavy crudes.
Refinersa re strongly motivated to evaluate and select premier catalyst systems for the production of both diesel products from their hydrocracking and diesel treating units.
Since its development in 1936, the “modified Claus” technology has been the preferred process used by refineries and gas processing plants for the recovery of sulfur from acid-gas streams. M..
Since 2008, Russian regulations regarding the crude oil and refining industry have changed substantially. At present, Russia has 22 large refineries, each with an individual throughput capacity exceed..
When an insufficient supply of acid gas threatened to shut down operations at a US refinery, quick thinking, along with the novel use of a sulfiding agent and a strong supply chain made all the difference.
The handling capacity of gas sweetening plants using amine solutions is greatly affected by foaming problems. To mitigate foaming problems, antifoam is injected into the amine recirculating system at Oil and Natural Gas Corp.'s Uran refinery in India.
Assay definition is crucial for accurate process simulations. The performance of process simulators depends on the feed definition to the processing unit. Modern analytical laboratories can offer comp..
The vacuum distillation (VD) unit in the petroleum refinery separates the heavier fraction of crude oil from the atmospheric distillation unit (ADU) into light vacuum gasoil (LVGO) and heavy VGO (HVGO..
Process Control
The project scope included a reactor composition controller and virtual online analyzer for MFR and xylene solubility. Quality control information and automated transition records for four reactors were also included.
Just as a good medical doctor is expected to have wide knowledge on modern treatment options, we would expect reliability professionals to be equally informed on technology advances. There are numerou..
New information technologies—such as cloud computing, mobility, social technologies, big data/analytics and 3D visualization—have been receiving a lot of attention in the industrial communit..
Brazil is the largest producer of liquid fuels in South America. However, the country still lacks the installed refining capacity to meet domestic demand for transportation fuels. For this reason, Brazil has a number of refining projects planned and underway.
Recently, I had the opportunity to testify before the US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, representing our company and our industry that employs approximately 108,000 American workers..
When should you change water-treatment suppliers? After a failure? When you are dissatisfied with the quality or price of your incumbent supplier? When you receive an attractively-priced proposal? Whe..
Trends and Resources
Speakers and attendees at Gulf Publishing Company’s inaugural Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) Technology Forum shared knowledge on gas processing technology developments, project economics and business challenges, with a focus on GTL processing technologies.
A roundup of top news in the hydrocarbon processing industry from September's issue.
Egypt’s influence is felt mainly through the operation of the Suez Canal and Suez-Mediterranean (Sumed) pipeline. In 2012, about 7% of all seaborne-traded oil and 13% of liquefied natural gas (LNG) traded worldwide transited through the Suez Canal.
For the three month period ended June 30, 2013, there were a total of 39 oil and gas deals with values greater than $50 MM, accounting for $17.2 billion in deal value.
The US Department of Energy (DOE) has released a report that assesses how critical US energy and electricity infrastructure is vulnerable to the impacts of climate trends.
Noncorrosive bearings have high load capacityEDT Corp. has added Type E Solution bearings (Fig. 1) to its Solution line of severe service bearings. Type E Solution bearings have high load capacity and..
In early July 2013, BP announced that it has completed the commissioning and startup of a new, 250,000-bpd crude distillation unit at the Whiting refinery, marking a major achievement in the multi-bil..
Many pages in Hydrocarbon Processing have and continue to discuss the technical solutions required by the US Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and similar legislation. At a time when developed nations str..
Video illustrates how to extend cable and hose life in a dynamic cable carrier A new video has been added to Motion Industries’ MiHow2 channel (www.mihow2.com), the product/application solut..
Compact stainless-steel explosion-proof pressure switch The new Ashcroft A-Series miniature pressure switch is now available in a SIL-capable explosion- proof configuration for hazardous areas. W..
Engineering and Construction 2013 Supplement
Brownfield assets suffer from handling large volumes of unstructured information. Often, such projects do not have up-to-date/as-maintained 3D models, data warehouses or integrated operation systems, ..

- S-Oil's $7-B Shaheen petrochemical complex is on track for 1H 2026 start 2/17
- SBM Offshore awarded a study by Petrobras for FPSO CO2 carbon capture solution 2/17
- Drone strike hits Chevron, Exxon oil exports via Russia 2/17
- Marine fuel sales at top bunker hub Singapore log soft start to 2025 2/17
- Toyo-Malaysia secures OSBL project to support SAF production facility at Pengerang, Johor, Malaysia 2/14
- TOYO awarded licensing and equipment supply contract for the first ever urea fertilizer plant in Angola 2/14