October 2001
Special Report: Plant Safety and Reliability
The parametric model is shown to be more robust
Specific applications, condition monitoring and other considerations are detailed
Architectural constraints must also be considered
Analysis shows that in some cases the system is inherently safe
The technique provides fast and effective root-cause failure analysis of rotating equipment
Here’s where they have solved corrosion problems
Using these techniques, companies can distinguish between processing problems and reliability issues
Gas Processing
These guidelines illustrate what every process engineer should know about solvent contamination and loss for sour gas processing facilities
Information Management
Here are guidelines for starting a good decision-making process, to the benefit of both business profitability and career
Process Technology/Distillation
Technology enhancements increase yields and decrease capital costs of making alcohols
The Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society (ISA) held its annual conference and exhibit September 10 – 13 in Houston. This is always a good show for learning about trends in process cont..
We have the misfortune to be witness to what will probably be judged the worst man-made incident in recent history: the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York. This incident occurred d..
At this time, many organizations develop their budgets and allocate spending for the coming new year. In late summer, HP compiled its forecast on 2002 HPI spending trends. However, the events from Sep..
Recent environmental restrictions on the usage of chlorine and new alkaline-based chemical treatment programs have increased the application of bromine-based biocides in industrial cooling systems. Fo..
Trends and Resources
Though many of the long-term petroleum-market impacts from the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. may take years to unfold, a look at the near-term effects has relevance. Here's a repo..
Last month, over 330 representatives from owner companies, engineering contractors, industry consultants and suppliers convened in Scottsdale, Arizona, to discuss the state of the ECC industry. This y..
European legislation to reduce the pollution from diesel cars across that region will be a significant driver in the growth of the European diesel fuel additives market. According to new research by i..
Despite slowing global economies and decreasing chemical prices, the Chinese government has decided to increase ethylene production, says a recent report from Industrialinfo.com. The State Economic Tr..
Responding to user requests for ready access to the most recent version of industry standards, the Industrial Automation Control Products and Systems Section of the National Electrical Manufacturers A..
ABB Process Industries Division, Houston, Texas, and ABB Euttech Ltd. have partnered together to provide consulting, design, installation and other services for safety systems engineered to meet the n..
Alfa Laval has established a new process technology center in Richmond, Virginia, and created a Process Technology Division. It will concentrate on heat transfer and separation for the chemical proces..
Enhanced machine condition monitoringEntek Emonitor Odyssey machinery information system version 2.2 isclaimed to offer expanded functionality and improved diagnostics.This enables organizations to en..
ATOFINA completes Bayport upgrade ATOFINA Petrochemicals, Inc., has completed a three-year, $25-million upgrade to its Bayport, Texas, plant. Capacity was increased to 440 million lb/yr of resins. The..
Expanded line of screen productsNew eight-page brochure from USF Johnson Screens describes and presents its expanded product line and applications. Construction options such as looped wire for high-im..
Industry reacts immediately to reports of gas price spikes following the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. The American Petroleum Institute strongly denounced any attempts to use the ..
Letters to the Editor
Inherently Safer Design Safety in the chemical industry has moved to center stage since the Bhopal, India, tragedy of 1984. Safety is usually achieved by add-on equipment such as controls, alarms and ..
BILL CROWLEY, Contributing Editor Comments? Write: editorial@HydrocarbonProcessing.com This month we are going to look at something I call a "white pape..
New technologies
Reliability is like safety – everybody is in favor of it, but not everybody practices it. Safety professionals know that solid achievement rests on the need to change an existing culture, replaci..
Safe operation to a planned shutdown is always preferable

- BASF introduces first superabsorbent polymer with product carbon footprint of zero 2/7
- Russia may ban gasoline exports for a month to stabilize prices 2/7
- South Korean petrochemical firms' profits fall in 2024 as oversupply persists 2/7
- Russia's oil transit via Ukraine down 15% in 2024 2/7
- Amogy expands operations to South Korea, strengthening regional presence with key stakeholders to advance its ammonia-to-power solutions 2/7
- U.S. refiner Delek could run more light sweet oil if tariffs bite, CEO says 2/7