Cylindrical hull concept improves design for offshore FLNG production
As demand for natural gas remains high, the development of offshore stranded gas fields via floating liquefied natural gas production technology will aid sustained growth.
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The Authors
Odeskaug, L. - Sevan Marine ASA, Norway
Lars Odeskaug is the deputy chief operating officer of Sevan Marine ASA in Norway, with more than 25 years of international experience in the oil and gas industry at the senior corporate and project management level. He was the managing director of Hitec Marine (Norway) from 1994–2002. From 2002–2005, he was the president of Remora Technology AS (Texas, US), and from 2005–2011 he was the CEO of TORP LNG AS (Texas, US). Mr. Odeskaug has given numerous presentations at international energy conferences and has published several articles related to innovation in the oil and gas industry.
Mokhatab, S. - Consultant, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Saeid Mokhatab is a world-class expert in the natural gas processing industry who has worked on the design and operation of several gas processing plants, and has contributed to gas processing technology improvements through 300 technical papers and two well-known handbooks published by Elsevier in the US. He has held technical advisory positions for leading professional journals, societies and conferences in the field of gas processing, and has received a number of international awards in recognition of his outstanding work in the natural gas industry.
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