Matar, M. B.
Mohammad B. Matar is a chemical engineer and the Team Leader for Operational Planning at KNPC. He has experience in refinery operations, planning and process engineering.
Refineries’ pandemic turmoil—KNPC’s gasoline demand: Opportunities and challenges
Environment & Safety
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/ Refining
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/ Catalysts
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The COVID-19 pandemic is regarded as one of the most exceedingly difficult challenges faced in the oil and gas industry's history.
MAA refinery’s experience producing Europe’s most-stringent diesel specification
The European climate has one of the harshest winter weather conditions—therefore, diesel products’ cold flow properties [i.e., cloud point (CP) and cold filter plugging point (CFPP) parameters] are key to ensure diesel products’ usability during these climate conditions.
MAA refinery—Bunker fuel oil challenge: Stable and compatible VLSFO production
Environment & Safety
/ Process Optimization
/ Project Management
/ Refining
/ Aromatics
/ Biofuels
/ Carbon Management
/ Construction
/ Crude oil
/ Desulfurization
/ Diesel
/ Distillation
/ Engineering & Design
/ Environment
/ Equipment
/ Greenhouse Gases
/ Hydrocracking
/ Hydrogen
/ Loss Prevention
/ Naphtha
/ Sulfur
/ Treating
/ Middle East
Studies have been conducted on strategies for bunker fuel oil (BFO) production with reduced sulfur and catalytic fines concentration limits.
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Long Son Petrochemicals Complex
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Siam Cement Group
$5.4 B
1.65 MMtpy
Completion date:
Under Construction