Önen, M. F.
Mehmet Fatih Önen is an Operations Supervisor, responsible for the daily operations at the Tupras’ Izmit refinery, including maintenance of units; optimization of production; and troubleshooting and monitoring of FCC and LPG Merox units, caustic neutralization, and CD and VD units. He earned BS and MS degrees in chemical engineering from ITU.
Izmit FCCU revamp
Tüpraş utilizes proprietary fluid catalytic cracking units<sup>a</sup> (FCCUs) at its Izmit and Izmir refineries. The Izmit unit was designed in 1968 and started up in 1972 with a side-by-side style reactor/regenerator.
FCC and HDS feed flexibility and integration with the delayed coker in the Izmit refinery
Operational flexibility is one of the key parameters that leads to success and sustainability in refinery production.
FCC operational changes to boost gasoline octane
The fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) is one of the main units providing gasoline with high-octane numbers to the refinery gasoline pool.
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