Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Business Trends: Preparing for a sea change in global refining

Boston Consulting Group: Follette, C.  |  Ruiz-Cabrero, J.

The global oil refining industry has been buffeted by many events in recent years.

Industry Perspectives: The latest in refining technology

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

Nearly 700 refineries are operating in more than 120 countries around the world.

Operations: Maximizing the opportunity of discounted crudes

Baker Hughes: Duggan, G.  |  Navarrete, R.

As the oil and gas industry adjusts to a business environment in which crude oil prices will likely remain lower for longer, refiners continue looking for ways to maximize their profitability.

Editorial Comment: Ingenuity out of necessity

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

One of the main focal points in this issue of Hydrocarbon Processing is the environment.

Heavy crude oil processing design and reliability

GTC Technology US, LLC: Martin, G.  |  Liu, Z.  |  Wang, S.

Revamping refineries to process heavier crude slates goes well beyond the requirements to meet equipment performance dictated by a shift in the quantity of lighter product yields to heavier products.

Industry Perspectives: What is the future of the global HPI?

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

Over the past year, the world has witnessed significant downstream capacity growth in all sectors of the hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI).

Diversification: The catalyst for the Middle East’s downstream transformation

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

Over the past several years, the Middle East has made substantial investments to increase its downstream processing capacity.

Business Trends: The state of the global refining sector

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

Over the past few years, the world has witnessed significant downstream capacity growth in all sectors of the hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI).

Global: The slow closing of Africa’s refining technology gap

Contributing Editor: Oirere, S.

Technology gaps in the crude oil refining sector of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are making it difficult for crude oil processing plants to achieve energy efficiency, produce high-quality products or adhere to international carbon emissions requirements.

Editorial Comment: Is the refining market oversupplied, or is the capacity needed?

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

Over the past two years, the editorial comment in our September issue has focused on the topic of overcapacity in the global refining sector.