Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Environment & Safety

Configure safety communication to unleash your safety culture’s true potential

Contributing Editor: Khan, A. J.

From an industrial perspective, effective communication is an integral part of achieving an injury-free workplace. This article provides the benefits of developing a safety management system to build a culture of safety in plants.

Alarm management and operator training: Case studies for a sulfur recovery unit

Fluor Daniel India Pvt. Ltd.: Singh, P. V.  |  Chaudhuri, D.

This article will provide an in-depth insight of an operator training simulator, as well as the basic features of creating a virtual plant in which the operators are allowed to train and test various operating scenarios. It will also highlight the inbuilt scenarios inside the model—most importantly, the startup, shutdown and specific upset scenarios.  

The role of clean combustion in achieving net zero: Emphasizing hydrogen’s promise

The world is increasingly turning its attention to alternative fuels in the quest for net-zero emissions, and hydrogen (H2) is at the forefront of this transformative shift. This article will discuss the benefits of H2, comparisons to alternative energies, sustainability and environmental implications, and H2’s potential. 

Retrofitting CO2 capture in a petroleum refinery

Bechtel India: Singh, R. B.

This article examines the application of solvent absorption-based post combustion capture for refinery/site-specific factors and quantifies the impact this will have on CCS CAPEX/OPEX. This analysis helps to determine the optimum approach for any individual refinery site.

Zero-liquid discharge: A stepping stone to water sustainability—Part 2

Fluor: Kumar, S.  |  Ekmekci, B.  |  Sonia G. S.  |  Ranwe, A.

This article will evaluate zero-liquid discharge technologies and the preliminary treatment, disposal or further treatment for a preliminary treated system.  

Refinery/petrochemical makeup water treatment: A general guide for technical personnel—Part 2

Buecker & Associates: Buecker, B.

A very important—and sometimes overlooked—unit operation within processing facilities is makeup water treatment for steam generators and other processes. Many cases have been documented in which makeup system upsets have led to boiler tube failures that partially or completely shut down unit processes. This article serves as a guide for those employees who may be on a steep learning curve when it comes to makeup system understanding.

Thermal decomposition of particulate mercury sulfides in petroleum—Part 1

Chevron Energy Technology Co.: Das, T.  |  Hatakeyama, E.  |  Hoelen, T. P.
Contributing Author: O'Rear, D.

Traces of particulate mercury sulfide (HgS) in stabilized crude oils transform to elemental mercury below 400°C in refinery distillation units. The authors evaluated this transformation and measured reaction rates and activation energies in crude oil and Hg-spiked mineral oil, using glass vessels at atmospheric pressure and a microunit at 1,000 psig.

Seven tips to achieve a smoother plant turnaround

Swagelok: Aughenbaugh, M.

This article provides seven best practices that should be kept in mind for successful plant turnaround management. 

Monitoring cyclone reliability in fluid catalytic crackers

Honeywell UOP: Jawandhiya, A.  |  Panchal, D.  |  Gellaboina, M. K.

The authors’ company has developed a novel approach with a digital algorithm to effectively estimate the current cyclone erosion and predict future erosion based on operating conditions. With this approach, refiners get an automatic way to better predict abrasion lining erosion for both reactors and regenerator cyclones daily from digital analytics, thus helping refiners quantify their monitoring.

Technip Energies and KBR selected for a major LNG project by Lake Charles LNG

Lake Charles LNG has awarded a JV between Technip Energies and KBR an engineering, procurement, fabrication and construction contract for its 16.45-MMtpy LNG export terminal in Louisiana (U.S.).