Digital: Three steps to implement a 21st-century disaster recovery plan
In the wake of Hurricane Florence, businesses across the US had another reminder of how unpredictable and unavoidable disasters are when they strike.
Feed nozzle effects on yields and operation of FCCUs
The first-generation, proprietary feed distributorsa had open-pipe bayonets that were located at the base of the wye section/riser.
Retrospective: Then and now— Looking toward the future
In 1982, I wrote an article called “Using process computers as robots for refining operations,” which was published in the May issue of <i>Hydrocarbon Processing.</i>
Details on high-impact refining and petrochemical projects presently under construction, as chosen by HP editors and readers
The global hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI) continues to expand and modernize to efficiently meet growing demand for energy, transportation fuels and petrochemicals.
It’s not double trouble—it’s digital twingenuity
Much ink has been spilled over the concept known as the “digital twin.”
Process design consideration for a deep-cut vacuum distillation unit—Part 2
Recently, many US refineries have been reconfigured to process heavy opportunistic sour crudes.
Conceptualizing a mega-integrated refinery and petrochemical complex: A case study
<i>Integration</i> is the new keyword for sustainability and profit in today’s oil and gas market scenario.
Viewpoint—Industry 4.0: Demystifying the next big thing in oil and gas
Until a few years ago, the term Industrial Revolution referred to the significant technological changes that began in the late 1700s with the advent of the steam engine, leading to the mechanization of work and the unprecedented economic growth and prosperity that followed.
Process design consideration for a deep-cut vacuum distillation unit—Part 1
In the recent past, many US refineries have been reconfigured to process heavy opportunistic sour crudes.
Process safety as a profit center?
In today’s economic environment, new capital spending is harder to find than loose change buried under the couch cushions.
- Avina Clean Hydrogen completes FEED for 800,000-tpy clean ammonia facility (U.S.) 1/13
- INEOS closes last remaining synthetic ethanol plant in the UK 1/13
- Montana Renewables announces closing of $1.44-B U.S. DOE loan for renewable fuels and biomass energy facility 1/13
- Vioneo to use Honeywell UOP's methanol-to-olefins technology for Antwerp plant 1/13
- Solvay and Hankook sign Memorandum of Understanding for circular silica 1/13
- Turkey and Brazil top buyers of Russian diesel 1/13