Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Reduce moisture intrusion in pipes, tanks and other equipment

Pittsburgh Corning Corp.: Oslica, S.

Once water enters the system, even at high temperatures, the insulation system can retain large quantities of water. That can then lead to accelerated heat gain or loss.

Address inlet pressure loss concerns with restricted lift relief devices

Smith & Burgess LLC: Smith, D.
Bechtel Corp.: Yoram, S.

For the past 30 years, standard-sized relief devices have been sized such that it is difficult to meet the installation criteria in American Petroleum Institute (API) standard (STD) 520. This problem ..

HP Industry Perspectives: The best modern-day inventions according to chemical engineers

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

The best inventions are often influenced by an individual’s background, job, education and so forth. So what are the top 10 inventions according to chemical engineers? The Institution of Chemical..

HP News

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Thinnes, Billy

Country spotlight: KazakhstanAccording to data from the Kazakhstan Ministry of Oil and Gas, the country’s three oil refineries processed nearly 14.3 million tons (MMt) of crude in 2013. The 2013 ..

Case history: Characterization of shale oils and heat exchanger performance

KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc.: Sayles, S.  |  Romero, S.

LTOs are paraffinic, low in asphaltenes but high in filterable solids. Understanding the impact of these mechanisms can shed light on preheat exchanger performance and the prediction of fouling rates.

Improve the isomerization of alkanes by catalytic distillation

St. Petersburg State Institute: Lisitsyn, N. V.  |  Chuparev, E. V.  |  Zernov, P. A.

The isomerization of light gasoline fractions is crucial to producing high-octane fuels and to reducing the benzene content in gasoline. One of the most promising options for isomerization is catalytic distillation.

Wide design margins do not improve engineering

Engrowth Training: Toghraei, M.

Engineers use design and safety factors in sizing and specifying instrumentation or major process equipment, such as pumps, valves and compressors. Design factors are applied to cover the uncertainty ..

HP Reliability: Was that a failure or ‘just a repair’?

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

Purists among reliability professionals are sometimes concerned about the accuracy of the measurement of the mean-time-between-failure (MTBF) of an asset. There are many ways to conduct this failure f..

Mitigate fouling in crude unit overhead—Part 3

CH2M Hill: Sloley, A. W.

CASE STUDYThe basis for this case study is shown in Fig. 18; it is a crude unit with overhead heat integration. This is a one-drum overhead system with heat integration and no water wash. In an attemp..

Recommended guidelines can help prevent fires caused by static electricity

Newson Gale: O’Brien, M.

For any person working in the oil and gas industry who is responsible for the safety of employees, colleagues, plant equipment and property, one of the most potentially confusing aspects in providing ..